
JUVÉDERM® is the #1 dermal filler collection in the world that offers 5 different products to meet your specific needs. Add volume to plump lips, smooth lines, or lift & contour cheeks—we have what you need to get the results you want.


 We use Juvederm, to fill folds and lines and for lip enhancement. Juvederm® is made from hyaluronic acid which is a natural complex sugar found in the body.  


How does it work?

                Dermal Fillers are injected to correct wrinkles, folds and sunken depressions in the face by providing immediate volume replacement as well as stimulating new collagen production in the months following treatment.


What areas of the face are normally treated?

                Dermal Fillers are used to smooth and contour smile lines or nasolabial folds, wrinkles at the corner of the mouth, marionette lines, vertical lip lines, frown lines, facial defects or recessions and acne scars.  Dermal fillers are also used to restore volume in and around the cheeks, providing lip definition and modest enhancement or correcting of asymmetrical features.


What do the treatments feel like?

                A local anesthetic is normally used to minimize (usually completely eliminates) the discomfort associated with this type of treatment.


Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?

                Activities that strain facial features should be avoided for 48 hours following treatment.  Some examples of this type of activity include: strenuous laughing, singing, shouting, using a straw and chewing gum.


How many treatments will I need?

                Typically, only one treatment is required to achieve desired results, which last 6 to 18 months depending on which product is used.


What are possible side effects?

                There is usually minor inflammation or swelling from the treatment as a result of the expansion of facial tissue.  This usually resolves within 24 to 48 hours.  Intermittent application of ice for a short period after the treatment helps to reduce swelling.  Bruising is a possible side effect as well.  Finally, there have been some cases of some lumpiness or small nodules in patients who have had large volume lip augmentation which typically resolves within 30-60 days.  Smaller volume lip augmentation is recommended.


What results can I expect?

              Immediate results are apparent and improve in the few months following treatment.  Dermal Fillers restore the fullness and contours of a youthful, healthy appearance.  It remains soft and takes on the characteristics of the surrounding tissue.  New soft tissue will gradually replace the fillers, with most replacement occurring within three months.